Recent content by Neophyte

  1. N


    Assistance? Not to doubt, I thought this hose connected at the radiator inlet, then connects to vacumn @ #3 carb? the hose is actually to small ? Id ? Just trying to be sure Thank you for the welcome, thanks for "lightening response":)
  2. N


    Hi folks, long time reader here. I have 2003 FZ1 since 2003 "B" I believe I read I've had a couple boo-boo's that required a period in healing. Recently I got on with some i.e. "Ivan's, kits upgrades, all has gone well until now On the right side of the radiator "" where does the Carburetor...
  3. N

    New member welcome thread...

    Earlier Thank, thought I'd goofed again:)
  4. N

    New member welcome thread...

    New Member Hi folks, an FZ1 2003, since 2003 Yellow:) a bike rider for long time :) This morning I sent a private message, thought I'd screwed up and sent another. (same member) Neither have shown up in my sent mail? Is their a number count before pm's work I've spent many hours...