29 July Ride

Last Sunday I had to get out and try my new +4 advancer on a ride. While I was at it, I figured I'd try mounting my little cams to the Sticky Pods. Rear facing one worked flawless all day long. I had a little trouble with the front one staying mounted. Here's what happened on of the (5?) times I pulled over to re-seat it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD48OkQ3cwc]Dropping My FZ1 - YouTube[/ame]

:shaking head:

That was the only time all day Baby felt tired enough to take a nap. I'll post the other videos from last week in a little while.
Baby wasn't hurt at all. Those t-rex sliders do what they're supposed to. Now I have matching scratches on each side! No way I get custom paint as I'm prone to allow my bikes to take a nap from time to time, especially when gravel is involved as it was here.

Yes I saw it but it was too late when I did.
More Wolfpen Gap

After resting at the gas station, I decided to go back down WPG to Blood Mountain and go home. Here's going back down WPG...after the drop in the first post.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUlK0hPGf58]WPG, take 2 - YouTube[/ame]

Of course, I got stuck behind a line of traffic following a semi going down Blood so I decided to go home the way I came. That meant going back up Blood Mtn and over RR. That video is still in the works because I figured out right before this video that I needed to use Avidemux+ to cut the .avi files before putting it in Openshot for editing.