Fz1 2006 Throttle Cable Issue


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

Not been here for a while but know how friendly you guys are so not too worried about that!

So the bike has been sat in my garage all winter without being service / MOT'd (I'm in the UK) and now looking to get it back out in the sun shone ready for summer.

Had the bike running and just blipped the throttle when I head a "clunk" and the throttle just spins...

I have taken the cable housing apart by the handle bar and all is fine however the cable towards the front of the housing (nearest to headlights) is loose and I can pull that easily, whereas what I guess is the return cable is solid.

I'm not very knowledgeable in this department so just looking for some advice on how far I have to strip the bike back and find the end of the cable as I guess it has either snapped or pulled out of its mount.

At the moment, I'm guessing fairings off, tank off, airbox off etc. Does anyone have any pics of the part I'm looking for?


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As you rightly say tank and air box off , if you look between the throttle bodies you will see the pivot wheel the cables run on ,, it's a right royal pain to change the lower cable.. I persevered with a small angled pick to hook it in , you may find it easier to lift the throttle bodies up
I changed my throttle cable last year and can confirm its a twat of a job to do. It took me minutes to get the tank and air box off and move things out of the way to see. If I remember I used long nose pliers and a very thin long screwdriver and a hook I made from a bit of wire coat hanger. I also remember having to revolve the throttle pulley and jamming it in the position I needed. It took me about an hour to finally get the cable ends in the right place grrr. Take your time you can't rush it and be prepared to scrape your fingers and knuckles ha ha. Good luck
Thanks for the replies guys, I'm saving this as a possible job for next weekend... May as well give it a good clean up while I'm there too

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