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Did my 200 mile treck yesterday to western Mass. Took the toll road RT90 (Mass Pike) west for the first leg.

As roads go the Mass Pike is pretty fast. I was cruising in the over take (left) lane at between 85 and 90 to keep up with traffic. Approaching my exit in Westfield, MA there's a State Police barracks on the west bound side of the road that I was traveling in. The State Police on the Mass Pike are exclusive to that road, they don't patrol the rest of the state.

So yesterday I see two lines one behind the other with about 20 people in each line. Sorta like a platoon of soldiers lined up for inspection or a group of prisoners getting ready to pick up trash. There was two people in charge standing in the front and looking back at the troops. The lines of troopers started right up against the slow lane and extended up the small grade of the entrance, so that all 40 troopers dressed in orange vests and Smokey hats were facing the on coming traffic.

Just as I got abreast of the Troopers one of the leaders must of said something because in unison they all hoisted Laser speed guns and pointed them at oncoming traffic.

I realized a few moments later that training or re-certification could be the only reason for what I witnessed as there were no chase cars involved. I don't use one, but they sure must have lit up a few detectors.

Got off the toll road and headed towards one of Mass's best roads RT112. A two lane north/south run through western Mass wilderness, rivers and dams. Few homes, diveways ,or intersecting roads. That don't mean there aren't critters crossing.

I was heading north and cooking by my lonesome at about 75 to 80. I think the speed limit is 50 but I've never paid it much mind. Come around a small bend and what's coming at me? A State cop in an Explorer that had to be doing over 100 with no lights on. He gave me a little wave out his open window as he went by.