Make your own T-Shirt

I ran out of other frivolous things to do so I went to and designed a FZ1 T-shirt to match my red 2008. Not expensive, only $25 so it doesn't require much cash. I was looking for an FZ1 shirt but couldn't find one so I went this route. I did mine pretty plain but you can add almost anything you want. Anyway, here's my take on it.
Does anyone have a good photo of the FZ1 logo? I have a friend that could make polos or even T-shirts with the FZ1 embroidryed on the chest for less than the $25.
I bet it would look sharp with a Red shirt and gold, black shirt with gold and Blue with gold.

PM me or send email to [email protected]

I will see if she can use the photo to make the FZ1 logo. If anyone is interested I will let you know how much they cost with shipping. I will do it just for the cost.