Paint Mod


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I am thinking about doing a little painting. Here is a quick photochop of what I think I may want. Let me know what you guys think. For levers I think I will go with the gold FDB maybe folding and adjustable length.
I have thought about painting the exact same parts minus the exhaust as I already have an aftermarket one. Obviously powder coating would be the way to go but has anyone had any luck rattle canning these parts? If so what did you use?
Rattle can works fine just got to make sure you prep the parts really well before they are painted. Mine was a textured black that I used.
Be sure to find a good high temp engine paint to put on the exhaust.

Some of those paints have special instructions as well. Some need to be applied to a hot surface so be sure to check the directions on them before you apply it.

How do you plan to do the triple crown? Are you going to take apart the forks?

I plan to do some paint work on a few parts myself, I look forward to seeing the results!
Nut sure about pulling the forks apart. I might just leave that as is for now. I'm thinking that this may be a winter project. So it may be a couple of months before I get any pics up. Thanks for the input guys.

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