parking ticket

My job is to film youth football games... I park my bike under a tree because it was raining today, literally a half mile from a single structure, person, or car, in the middle of nowhere Missouri. In a city field with 1 4th grade football match going on. And I get a parking ticket.:tdown:. Well, I am paid by the state of missouri, and my boss said I will be rembursed the cost of the ticket, which was issued by the state of missouri. :iamwithstupid:

not to mention my grip slipped loose on the way home and had to pull over and pocket knife it off... anyways
I don't even see a tree only a slab of cement. Maybe some kids were trying to play roller hockey and the bike was in the way.

Sorry about the ticket that sucks
Just for the heck of it I'd be checkig out the local ordinance for parking and see if the ticket is even valid. In any case, it's interesting the state would write themselves a ticket. What a waste of time and money. That would be a great one for local or perhaps national television to show how ridiculus our laws can be.