Safety Question

:eek:Not sure where to post this but I want to use a digital camera to take an image inside my spare fuel tank. It's been stored for about 11 mths without a cap or pump in a cardboard box. Will it be safe to take a digital photo with flash inside the tank?
I do not see any safety risk, especially if the tank has been sitting open vented for almost a year. Even so a dig camera + flash is not supposed to spark.

if it is to check if the inside has some corrosion, maybe fill the tank with some white spirit and rince it well, and pour back in to a bucket. If the white spirit comes out clean, no issues then :)
Have a few beers first and then give it a go mate..... Get real brave and have a carton and use a match!! Seriously, after 12 mths I reckon you could use a match and you'd be ok.
It was only an exploratory job so far. I want to get a sock like filter to fit onto the bottom of the filler tube. After owning my bike for only 3 months, I fitted the Retro Kit. when I drained the original tank, it had lots of rust flakes inside. These came from one or more service stations. The guys at Profill had the same thing with their own bike and came up with a filter to fit in the top of a dirt bike tank. Unfortunately this will not work on a steel road bike tank. Not much if interest yet but these are the photos I took



