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Yamaha FZS1000 2002 - 2nd gear "hiccup"


New Member
Mar 16, 2022
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I have FZS1000 2002. Currently experiencing, let's say, a "hiccup" while I'm hard on the thorttle in the second gear. I have a feeling that something is slipped in one moment. This is happening only in second gear on hard acceleration, on about 5,5k rpm... It doesnt stall, or continues to do that. In only happends in that particular moment. It doesn't occur in other gears. Bike runs smooth, powerful, noise is perfectly normal. Did anyone experienced the same thing? I'm about to replace chaing and sprockets, since they are on the end of life... I changed the sparkplugs, cleaned air filter and done oil change. Any idea or info are welcome.

Best regards.
During this does the rpm jump a lil? If so that be your clutch slipping and it would make sense 2nd gear normally pulls pretty hard.
So it doesn't completely pop out of gear. That would be good if it doesn't. If it's slipping out of second and needs to be shifted back into gear that wouldn't be good.
The chain can slip over the front sprocket if the teeth are really worn, I've felt that before.
If it pops out of second gear, you have a transmission problem. A number of people think that lever on the left handlebar, is just a thing to use at a stop sign/traffic light.

So, is your situation, the bike popping out of second gear, or just slippage in second gear?

He said hiccup. Most of us were around before oxygenated fuel, i was a tech and saw the havoc it caused. So i say change your fuel filter, even though this thread is over a year old.
Have the same problem, well mine is more aggravated, it engages second gear at a low rpm but it slips under load. Some say it’s the pressure plate for second gear. Is that the plate on the cluch or a friction plate on the transmission it self?
I’m rebuilding my engine might as well fix second.

so to reiterate it does not slip out. It looses friction, staying in second, it engages normally but does not hold any load.

On a side note, anyone ever heard of upgrades to 5th gear as to get a longer final drive? It’s such a short gear.