100 Motorcycles for Josiah

There is a little boy in my Congregation who has been fighting Spina Bifida his entire life and has spent time in and out of the Hospital, last year he came down with Whooping Cough and nearly died. He ended up losing most of his voice, and now has to spend 99% of his day in bed. He used to be able to come to the weekly meetings.

His main nurse is a big time HD guy, and thus Josiah has grown to love motorcycles, especially HD's. Anytime I go over to visit him he insists that I bring my FZ.

This past Sunday a ride-by was put together by some big hearted bikers, His bed sits in the living room in front of the window so he can see outside. The first ride by a few years ago had about 30 bikes, this last weekend was supposed to be over 100, but instead over 4200 showed up. The link's below is the local news stories on how the day came to be.

KUSI.com - KUSI News - San Diego CA - News, Weather, PPR - Video Landing Page


I figured this belonged in the news section since it is a news video, but if the admins have a better spot, go ahead and move the post.
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That was just awesome. If more people showed half the compassion that these bikers did, the world would be a wonderful place again. God bless him and all the people like you that bring joy into his life. Your a good soul buddy!
I have some terrible news. Gordon, the HD guy who was Josiah's primary caretaker/nurse died in a bike crash on Saturday;

Fatal crash blocks San Vicente Road near Ramona : Ramona

I have not yet been by to visit Josiah, but I know this is going to be very hard for him to process. If anything is done to memorialize Gordon I will let you guys know. He gave a huge part of his life to making Josiah's better, he will always be remembered and loved by us and the Trujillo family.
Unsafe speed, unapproved helmet (not that any helmet can help much in a head on collision). That's such a shame and such a tragic end for a man who must have been such a role model for Josiah :(