240 Mile Weekend to Lake Tahoe

Good Ear Protection

Earplugs are a must. Permanent hearing damage can occur in a short time at speed without them. I can't ride without plugs

Thanks for the advice.

Its strange how much plugs help LOWER the stress levels on the Hwy. I had the cross-town Hwy to myself last night. I forgot to put the plugs in and all the way home I kept thinking, "this sucks, I need to pull over and put them in." My left ear was ringing all night long.
Another thing that will help you is practicing emergency braking. The FZ1 has good brakes and if you gonna blast by on a downhill, then you want to make sure you have you hard braking skills up to par.

I use my cell phone to set an alarm and when it goes off, I stop as quickly and safely as possible
Yes, he was NOT surprised.

If your friend's bike was a Suzuki Volusia - check that - it should have had about 45 horsepower. Your FZ has three times that power. If he passed with ease, learn from him and these guys tips - and you've got so much more power - it can be done so fast!

We were on EB Hwy 80 near Colfax at 70mph and came up behind three big rigs. He jumped into the left lane and gave it his all. I thought, "Okay, lets get these three behind us." I stayed in 6th. When we stopped in Truckee to top off before heading to Homewood (13 miles) he said, "I had to be doing 80mph when you flew by me going up hill."

The FZ1 DOES have three times the HP of that 2001 800 V-Twin. I just have to manage it without changing my shorts on every long ride in the hills. : owned: