Blinker pod Help!


Well-Known Member
Ok I must be more tired than I thought tonight! Just got my copperdawg front blinker pods in and started putting them on. Everything was easy until I wired them for a test before putting everything back on. The blinkers work great! But I must have done something dumb because now my speedo light and headlight do not work! What should I look for because I was really wanting to ride tomorrow!!!: oops:
Oh yeah, I was about to install my rizoma led resistors until the headlight screwed up. The wiring diagram that came with them is almost gibberish. From what I understand the front are wired to one resistor and the rear to another. Does anyone know which color wire I use to do this? I have an 09 FZ1. Thanks!!
The headlight won't work unless the engine is running. Did you start it up?? I only know this because I have just got a PCIII and it won't power up unless the engine is running or you attach a 9V battery to it.

Cheers Bluey
lack of attention

Well looks like I let the the running light wire touch one of the other connectors. This blew the headlamp fuse. So now I am back in buisness and the blinker pods look great!!