Ceramic coated my stock header and Suono

I really like how it turn out. Look great and better performance. I'll put that on my list for next time I have $200.00 of play $$$. Since I don't have a mid pipe on the 6R it should be a bit cheaper I guess...
I'm taking the plunge... Just finish to build another 6R exhaust and I will ship early next week, need to clean her up a bit first. (sandblast) I'll post pic later...

Thanks for the tip!
I hated the Stainless Steel TRC can that came with my used Yosh system. I had it powder coated and I think it looks great now. I will have my headers ceramic coated in the future when I have the money.


what advantage is in coating your exhaust? or just for looks?

A Google search quickly results in:

Ceramic-coated headers produce less heat, because the ceramic acts as barrier between the headers and the engine. This in turn contributes to less stress on nearby mechanical components

Ceramic-coated headers can result in a slight performance increase because of their superior ability to dissipate heat, which is one of the major horsepower killers.
A Google search quickly results in:

Ceramic-coated headers produce less heat, because the ceramic acts as barrier between the headers and the engine. This in turn contributes to less stress on nearby mechanical components

there are a number of ways to keep the heat in the pipes

Ceramic-coated headers can result in a slight performance increase because of their superior ability to dissipate heat, which is one of the major horsepower killers.

how can a coating on the outside of the exhaust pipes produce more hp?
and then you say it dissipates heat better? ( line one above says other? )
i know flow works, but how does keeping heat in or removing it do any good for hp?


The coating itself doesn't add any hp. It keeps heat in the pipe and not dissapating out onto the engine heating other parts and raising intake air temp. You will notice bigger results on a vehicle that has the exhaust more contained such as a car or sled.

I don't know how well it would stick to the stainless but we use ceramic based VHT header paint on our sleds. It holds up for a few years if applied properly. Most other paints peel within a year on them. Its good to 1500° and if your bike ever sees those temps its not gonna last long.

VHT also offers a flame proof paint good to 2000°, can't say I've used it though.
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Hey Packnrat, I may have confused your question. The powder coating on my exhaust can is purely for looks. I was responding about the ceramic coating to the headers.
Hey Packnrat, I may have confused your question. The powder coating on my exhaust can is purely for looks. I was responding about the ceramic coating to the headers.

i was using words loosely. (exhaust, headers).

but as i understood what was said on the headers the ceramic coating holds in heat, how does this increase/improve power?
i can see how having less heat transfer from the tubes to the oil pan (motor) my headers are under the motor and a inch from the oil pan. plus next to the oil filter and a water cooling pod. less heat here is good.

i guess i am missing something here, but then i am just a back yard howling monkey.

how can a coating on the outside of the exhaust pipes produce more hp?
and then you say it dissipates heat better? ( line one above says other? )
i know flow works, but how does keeping heat in or removing it do any good for hp?



It keep the heat inside the headers. The exhaust gas stays hot longer. Hot gas travel faster and is less restrictive... then scavenge the exhaust better, improve overlap effect... few more ponies... if any?
How much does this cost and is there anybody in AZ doing it?

I was just starting to look into powdercoating and doing the ceramic coating on the header. I'm going to have to wait until I get my car situation figured out first to make sure that I got trasnportation when the job is done (it takes about a week, I've heard).

I would like to get it the same black as the frame.
I had the headers from the YZF ceramic coated. Although I wasn't happy with the job they did, they still held up fine after one season of riding. It's important to find a good company to do the work. The place I went to gave me the runaround for over two weeks. I finally paid them $50 dollars less than the agreed price for the wait and the half-azz job they did.
