did i get a.good deal?

Good deal! Skip the FCE and get the ECU flashed with the ECUnleashed... Unlocks WAY more potential AND kills the fuel cut. Search the forum for Pete's review of his 2006 with this mod... ;)

WhittleBeast has tested a flashed ECU that still has fuel cut. Take a look at on the " other board " He's posted a few AFR graphs showing the fuel cut and some very lean fueling in areas.
The same flashed ECU also failed to remove the EXUP code as advertised and the guy has a bogging issue in second gear.

I've seen 5-6 reviews of the flash and 2 guys are having issues. Flashing for the FZ1 is a gamble right with 2 of 6 guys having problems.

I want/hope for flashing to work out and the satisfied customers seem to be very impressed.
Wondering if they just don't have all the little changes Yamaha has done to the ECU over the years figured into all the flashes yet ?

Personally I'll let some more test dummies go the flashed route and wait for a more definitive answer. 2 out of 6 is not my idea of good odds.......unless I'm playing the lottery :)
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agreed lol i think i bust out the 200 for the fce since i already have the pc3 and call it a day lol im happy with performance just want it to smooth out the throttle when i come back on it especially when im riding with my father and brothers....they like to try to leave me behind and commin out of a corner and getting hard on the throttle is not uncommon for me on the country roads lol
agreed lol i think i bust out the 200 for the fce since i already have the pc3 and call it a day lol im happy with performance just want it to smooth out the throttle when i come back on it especially when im riding with my father and brothers....they like to try to leave me behind and commin out of a corner and getting hard on the throttle is not uncommon for me on the country roads lol

The FCE will make a very noticeable difference, especially on the '06 FZ1.