Engine ice

I also take into consideration I live in the country, have a lot of animals, and live around a lot of animals. Don't have to worry about poisoning anyone.

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I changed over to engine ice before it got hot here this summer, and I didn't notice any appreciable heat difference from ethylene glycol (prestone, etc) and propylene glycol (engine ice). I rode in today, 75 degrees outside, come up to the bike parking here at work, and the fans are already kicking on (like they have been doing all summer) b/c the coolant temp hit that magical 213º.

Yes, it is better for the environment.
Yes, it is LESS harmful to animals and the neighbors annoying kid :flip:.
Yes, it is approved for track day riding.
Yes, I did it right.
No, it didn't make much (if any) of a difference in coolant temperature.
No, I will not use it again, due to the price of the stuff, and lack of noticeable results.