fz1 power!

i ordered my yoshi tc pipe today. just slipon for now. 278.00 to my door. and i put the 16 t on front. doing to do block off when i put pipe on. in time it will have all the goods. leaving for vegas next thursday to get married. so most off my Doe going to me new wife.
I purchased mine last fall so I only had a week or too to ride it before it was time to put it away for the winter months. I have started riding again these past couple of weeks and the FZ1 "feels" like one of the most powerful bikes I have ever ridden. The power delivery is so linear and consistent. I am getting reacquainted with mine but have been surprised more than once. Enjoy your '12!
I've had my new FZ1 in my garage since I bought it on 3/12 and haven't been able to ride it yet because of the weather. This thread is making me sad at what I am missing!
Not Worthy!

Yes, Yamaha gives their OMG power at the top of the revs... I like that as it is a civil commuter and turns into a beast if you want it to be.

This is so true. I did 80 in first once on a long freeway on ramp. I almost had to change my shorts.

Going to Tahoe last month, I passed a friend, going 75mph on a long EB Hwy 80 uphill. I was in 6th and hit 90mph in a second. I never thought of downshifting.
My fully modded gen1, the more you abuse it the better it runs! Running 7k+ for an hour straight in the twisties makes it absolutely rip! It pulls so hard every slight hill it lifts up in 6th! Its pure evil and I love it!