Gen 1 Valve Check

Had to re-format one of my hard drives so I could put a newer OS on it :banghead: and was very lazy about it. It took a couple of months to do that but only a few hours to finish the video I started about a week after I did my valve check back in August.

It is simple enough for me to do myself but I was really concerned any adjustments that might need to be made. I managed to squeak by without needing any this time :noworries:

Anyway, here's my video. I managed to get it down to just over three minutes and I think I hit all the major points. I hope this helps anyone on the fence about diy, if I can do it just about anybody can :D If someone sees something I left out, please let me know. Thanks.

FZ1 Maintence: The Valve Check - YouTube
If I had Ivan nearby, I might have scurried over to him too. Just thinking about diy was so stressing until I actually did it. It was easier than the first time I changed my spark plugs with the AIS system in place. Still I don't know if I'm ready to tackle any adjustments.