GENII ABS led lits when hard braking

I've been exercising some real hard braking (no stoppies) to engage and expereince my ABS kicking in. When slamming the frontbrake, the bike stops perfectly, but the little ABS warning light switches on, only to go away when I turn off/on the ignition key..

Anyone an idea on this subject?
Somebody else with ABS having had the same experience yet?
Living in Atlanta I've had to break suddenly on more than one occasion. I have ABS and have never seen this on my bike personally. You could get it looked into just to be on the safe side.

Hi I have a 2009 FZ1 and on a couple of occasions when i've done hard breaking the brakes did this catching thing. I don't really know how to describe it in type but the only thing I could think of when i first experienced it was that it was ABS. So I called the Yamaha dealer and described what happened and he said the FZ1 didn't come with ABS (WTF ?) but rather the tire was probably skipping. I'm 100% sure it was not the tire. There was no loss of control or feeling of instability with the contact with the pavement it was like the brakes were catching and letting go and catching again very quickly. So, i'm curious how can I tell if this bike has ABS? Second if it does not have ABS can anyone offer any ideas on what is going on with my brakes?

Kinda freaked out but not totally because like I said, I felt safe on the bike and stopped well.
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None of the U.S. bikes have ABS as it isn't an option here. Sadly! :rant:

That is correct, so jpwdesigns what you were experiencing was indeed the tire skipping along due to it locking up. Be careful when braking like that. As long as you're going in a straight line it may "feel" safe, but if you try that in a turn you will find yourself on the pavement rather fast.
wow. ok so maybe the tire was skipping. I'm really surprised. I would have thought that i'd have the tail want to lift on me before the front tire would skip. Is this a problem with my fork setup or am just breaking harder than I thought and lucky i didn't flip it?
Brake Chatter

Hi I have a 2009 FZ1 and on a couple of occasions when i've done hard breaking the brakes did this catching thing. I don't really know how to describe it in type but the only thing I could think of when i first experienced it was that it was ABS. So I called the Yamaha dealer and described what happened and he said the FZ1 didn't come with ABS (WTF ?) but rather the tire was probably skipping. I'm 100% sure it was not the tire. There was no loss of control or feeling of instability with the contact with the pavement it was like the brakes were catching and letting go and catching again very quickly. So, i'm curious how can I tell if this bike has ABS? Second if it does not have ABS can anyone offer any ideas on what is going on with my brakes?

Kinda freaked out but not totally because like I said, I felt safe on the bike and stopped well.

Me too. I believe the pads are floating/binding/chattering. Esp. when you grab them hard on bumpy surfaces. The pulsation thru the lever is wicked.
I've had it checked with the dealer, but he could not find anything out of the ordinary. I've been testbraking a few times on different surfaces and the ABS works as it should on slippery surfaces (gravel, streetmarkings). It is only when I brake hard in a straight line on good dry road, it lits up, and will only go way when I switch off contact and restart engine...When it is lit, I tested again the ABS functioning of eg gravel, and it still brakes with ABS kicking in as it should, so I'm confident the ABS is still active, despite the LED flashing...may have Yamaha look into this further...:confused0024:
as my dealer (allthough a 5 star Yamaha mechanic) was unable to answer the question, I went straight to the Yamahe importer, who posed the question direct with Yamaha Tech services. Their answer: When the ABS dedects a wheelspin or blocking of the wheel during braking for as short as a 1/2 second, it will set its alarm, ie lit the ABS -led. If the contact is switched off-on and the LED is out, no problem. If it remains lit, problem! :kuku:
^ Good glad you got your answer. Yeah some magazines that tests bikes fret about ABS, sometimes it's good but when pushing the bike hard aggressive riding so to speak, ABS interferes.

Well If my bike had ABS I would never have to worrk about this since pushing that hard is outside of my comfort zone and capabilities.