Hello - pleased to be here

I'm in the same boat....Great Barrier reef is my destination. I have been promised, by the misses, once the boys are old enough to keep themselves somewhat entertained (almost 3-4 in August) that we can go. So a couple of years and I'll be swimming with the fishes and potentially Great Whites, Box Jellyfish, and deadly Blue Ring Octopus. But I'll take my chances to see in real life the grand scale of what i have for a saltwater tank in my living room....


Good to see you on board, but where the hell do you get twists in WA,

Plenty of nice roads in the southwest. Try down Bridgetown way or up around the escarpment, always enjoyed the run between Mundaring and Pickeringbrook through the back of Kala. Things may have changed though. There wasn't much tight stuff and the blue metal is closer to a cheese grater than a road surface but it was fun.