how you take care of protesters

This is still America!!!!

If these types of people, that I will not refer to as Americans would like to relocate to another country more to their likeing. I will gladly kick in the first $10 for gas money.
Thats a great story! Thats why I hate NY. Here, they would have towed the cars no problem, and given tickets as well. I assume that this group of idiots go around to servicemen's funerals to protest?? God save us!
If these types of people, that I will not refer to as Americans would like to relocate to another country more to their likeing. I will gladly kick in the first $10 for gas money.

Just don't send those retards here! That is, unless you dress them as moose and ship them over in hunting season.
they were supposed to show here about aa month ago when the 7 children died in the fire they never showed lucky for them I live in the boonies and people around here dont take kindly to that bullshit
Yeah don't send anymore protesters here. WI has had it's fill recently. My suggestion that the news stations ask for ID fell on deaf ears. I highly doubt that more than half of the Pro Union unwashed were actually citizens of our used to be fine state.
But that is Fred Phelps modus operandi.

The WBC turns up to events like this so they can provoke an aggressive response then sue their attackers.

Phelps is a disbarred lawyer BTW.

The best response to to mock them.
The whole stance the "protesters" are making isn't even logical. They are protesting "gays" in the military so the protest at a random service member's funeral. I think this is appalling, and I can't believe how gullible these people are to full their "religious" leader.

As a Vet I think this is one of the most shameful things that can be done at a military funeral, a very solumn event. The only people this hurts is the grieving family. Simply appalling.
The whole stance the "protesters" are making isn't even logical. They are protesting "gays" in the military so the protest at a random service member's funeral. I think this is appalling, and I can't believe how gullible these people are to full their "religious" leader.

As a Vet I think this is one of the most shameful things that can be done at a military funeral, a very solumn event. The only people this hurts is the grieving family. Simply appalling.

Right on brother!!
and I can't believe how gullible these people are to full their "religious" leader.

The WBC is literally one big family, Phelps is the patriarch

And you would be lucky to find a more hate filled controlling manipulative arsehole anywhere.

This is one of the WBC's websites,

God Hates The World

There are others.

Also the wiki entry on Phelps

Fred Phelps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read in particular why he was disbarred.

A vile,spiteful, hateful man indeed.