Kevin Ash Passed Away


Well-Known Member

I don't know if its been posted before but I just came across the sad news that Kevin Ash was killed in a motorcycle accident at the BMW R1200GS launch in South Africa on 23 Jan 2013. Kevin Ash - Telegraph

Whilst the majority of the membership on this site is in the US, I know we have a fair few in the UK, Europe and of course Australia and NZ who would be familiar with Kevin's work. Most of us in Australia and NZ will have read Kevin's column in Two Wheels and/or read his articles and reviews on his web site ( Ash On Bikes | Straight Talking). Personnally, I thought his articles were factual, balanced and well written......something many other journalists should seek to emulate.

His passing is very sad day for motorcycle journalism, but of course an even sadder day for his wife and three daughters (the eldest of whom, Laurien, who wrote a touching epitaph on his web site). Our prayers are with his family.