Power Commander Alternative - Rapid Bike

Hey Dudes and Dudettes,

I bumped into this product from IT-lee, Rapid Bike. Rapid Bike by Dimsport Technology - Additional control unit for motorbikes

Rapid Bike is a Power Commander alternative. Depending on what you buy it can control fuel and ignition. For the US probably not a good alternative as at this point as support is sketchy. For you Euro's it maybe a good option. One feature it has is 50 rpm, yes 50 rpm, tuning increments. Given that factoid, a good step test would probably take a week to ten days! Kind of over kill, but WTF???

No idea on cost. :nana:
In Portugal, Rapid Bike is commun. The main differences from PC is that if you trade your bike you can just buy the cables for your new bike and keep the box. It´s also more expensive (in here the PC costs arround 300€ and rapid bike 450€) and more tunnable than pc (so the experts say).