Really stiff clutch cable?

Also, with an 03', when was the last time it was "lubed"? If you've never lubed it, it may be time to replace it for a new one. You may have a "fray" in the cable somewhere and it's rubbing against the shielded covering. Just a thought.
Mine was stiff then went loose but also out of adjustment. Adjusted and 4 weeks later snapped so rode home no clutch and starting off moving the lever on casing by hand (lots of fun).
I would change the cable with even thinking twice next time it stiffens up. Lvie and learn
screw the adjuster on the handlebar until the slot in it is facing up.. turn the bars all of the way to the right with the bike on the kickstand... grab a can of WD-40 and spray it in the open slot... let it sit for a few seconds, then pull on the clutch, spray in the slot while holding the clutch, let it sit for a few seconds.. then release the clutch.... pull the clutch, spray into the slot, release the clutch. ... pull the clutch, spray into the slot, release the clutch....

repeat until WD-40 comes out of the bottom of the cable.