Recommendations on grips to help with vibrations

The bike has 2200 miles on it.
The tire pressure is: front 42 psi and the back is 45 psi, which are full pressure for both.
They are the stock tires that came on the bike, cannot remember off the top the make and model of them.

I weigh about 175 and suited probably like 185 I am guessing.

Drop them to 36/42 and see how it is...but I would also recommend changing tires if that doesn't help.
Am I in London?

I was going to drive down to the bike shop this morning to have a tech take a spin on my bike to get their feedback on the handlebar vibrations. The weather is more like a winter day in the UK, drizzling and foggy, kind of frustrating for a Saturday. Unfortunately, the forcast for the rest of the day is not very promising.
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Funny, the $10 Crampbuster that I bought a month ago seems to be helping a lot with vibrations. I have ridden about 400 miles with it and I quite like it. When I first put the thing on, I had mounted it so that it was a little too steep on my hand. On my first ride with it, I looked down at the speedo and I was doing 115 mph without even meaning too. I adjusted it and now it is perfect. I would suggest you try one if you are having vibration issues with your hands.
I don't think the FZ1 realy has much in the line of vibration, but due to the bars being quite low, I feel a lot of pressure on my hands and that causes my fingers to numb-out after about an hour or so. I was thinking that maybe some grips that were a lot thicker and softer might relieve some of that. I have had a few big twins and a couple older multi's that didn't have counter ballancers that did have some nasty vibration problems though.
i would try stuffing your handlebars with memory foam like the stuff from memory foam pillows. i do it to my clipons on my other sport bikes. it gets rid of all of the vibrations =)