Running hard= engine wear?


Well-Known Member
02 fz1

I know the r1 powerplant in the fz1 is an engineering masterpiece, I'm just wondering at what point in running it would you say it mechanically wears it out. I don't mean, how long can I run it redline and not worry about it throwing a rod, just considering the average riding. I cruise between 4 and 6k rpm, and occasionally get on it and shift on redline. It runs full synthetic btw. It is now my full time commuter/ sporter/ touring bike, I want to ride it like it can live well over 100k miles.
02 fz1

I know the r1 powerplant in the fz1 is an engineering masterpiece, I'm just wondering at what point in running it would you say it mechanically wears it out. I don't mean, how long can I run it redline and not worry about it throwing a rod, just considering the average riding. I cruise between 4 and 6k rpm, and occasionally get on it and shift on redline. It runs full synthetic btw. It is now my full time commuter/ sporter/ touring bike, I want to ride it like it can live well over 100k miles.

I think as with any internal combustion engine, maintenance is the key. More so with this particular motor. They have very close tolerances within these motors and they are made to be able to run at he higher rpm ranges. If you change your oil every 3,000 miles and do your valve checks on time, I can't see why you won't see that 100,000 mile mark on your odometer. There are guys here and on the other forum which are close or have surpassed that mark already with their bikes.
As Billy said, maintenance is the key to longevity and that goes for almost everything with an engine in it. Follow the recommended maintenance schedule, get a manual so you know what you're doing and ride it. As with anything, even your shoelace, the higher the stress, the shorter the life, but your bike will probably outlive your interest in it.