

Well-Known Member
Hey guys just wondering if anyone is getting into Android Tablets or Ipad. I am looking to replace my netbook since it is slowly dying on me (hate blue screen of death). I'm looking at portablility so the Galaxy Tab7 has been the extent of my research so far and seeing if anyone has some experience with these.
well I have the new Samsung Galaxy s2 android phone, and I love it :)
excelent quality and lots of free apps, and best of all no itunes :p
You can installa any APK you download.
seems like my whole family is getting ipads. my brother, father and uncle all have ipads and swear by them. my brother uses his as a computer more or less (took the place of his dated laptop), and my father and uncle kinda use them as a new toy if that makes sense. so it fulfills a variety of roles. i don't have one and i honestly don't see myself getting one, but you never know. i might get the itch. but ipad is good to go from everyone that i know that has one.
I think it all depends on what you plan to do with one... I have an ipad... but it's by no means a computer replacement... my wife's netbook is 100x more functional than an iPad... I use mine to read books.. play on the internet.. and display photos on location to clients... I wouldn't get one as your main machine, or a replacement to a real computer.... when it comes down to it, it's a toy.

Yeah I'm understanding they are more of a toy then an actual computer but I don't ever find myself in need of complete PC when I travel. I got the net book for that reason cause it was small and portable. I would probably get another one but with all the sand and crap in the air here it takes a huge toll on any pc or labtop. This will be second one that has crapped out on me while in the desert. So my idea is try something that is sealed, can video chat, and do small things like read books and play games or write up a document if I really have too. The Galaxy is look good because I can put it in my cargo pocket and not have to carry around a backpack whenever I want to take it to work.
I don't video chat, so the lack of a camera on my 1st gen iPad doesn't bother me... but I do like it when I travel for watching Netflix and Hulu+.... and of course at any given time I have several GB worth of books on it... I like it when i'm working on the bike.. I have a pdf of the service manual on it.. comes in handy...
