The dealer told me that...

When I started this thread my bike was all stock, but today I installed a GTYR slipon and blocked the AIS. I also did the Air box mod , installed a K&N and now it seems to be worse( this makes me thing its lean). Next is going to be a PC3 and hopefully a free map from someone on here to start. I know that a custom tune is better, but what I can afford is another story. Do I need to do the FCE before I tune or can it wait? Thanks for all the feed back guys.

A custom tune will remove more fuel than it adds, it isn't a lean problem.

When you cut open an airbox you change the resonance of the motor and can impact the throttle response of the bike.

Did you ask the dealer if they can reflash your ECU with a newer flash?

I'm not being rude but right now you are randomly throwing money at a problem hoping for a fix. If you are under warranty see if the dealer can get you fixed before you spend money, unless of course you want to.
Well I cant be agree with a dealer that invite a customer to put on a stock bike an after market module to change an injection problem..dealers can work on stock module to change parameters cylinder by cylinder directly from dashboard to correct what's wrong! My honey on stock configuration never feel me bad sensation on every rpm zone..on/of problems? Before fz1 I was on a 06brutale 910s and that bike really makes you in dangerous situation for repentine and strong on/of on medium rpm zone..the zone that you must use on roads..after that you can't feel on/of on other bikes;-) I'm joking..Now that you have air filter and exoust the situation is different because she breath in another way and she loose exup valve and catalyzer module that is on terminal in ours bikes so she need a different injection's map..I fit a rapid bike 3 module but is the same thing: when you bye inj module with preinstall map,is rare that it fit perfect on your bike,first because the map was create on a 06fz1 second you don't know the terminal used by dynojet,third and moust important every fz1 is a little bit different from only customizing yours news maps you can find the perfect engine's expression on every rpm zone. A good dynojet dealer working on our personal new maps can olso find the original inj problem and explane you why you feel bad rpm expression..the original thing that the yamaha dealer need to do... If you need info on the procedure of personalizing maps I'll be happy to explane mine. I was always present at works moments because is very very interesting saw how they work..