Thunderbolt@NJMP 10/15/2011

Time for you to move up a level.

You're lines looked nice and clean. Try to get your chin on your hand grip. From you shadow you looked up right and crossed up a little. But you looked nice and smooth, that is the key!
Thanks Pete. I've been questioning if I should try moving up to intermediate and I guess I'm just nervous. I spent to much of my attention on getting around people and not on the things I wanted to work on. I did get more comfortable with passing others, which is a improvement for me.

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Yeah I could tell that at times you were more concerned with the other riders, which is good because many of them rode some erratic lines. That and you passed most of the field in a lap.

In intermediate you'll still need to be careful but you'll also be able to begin dicing too.

Try it as you can always move down again.

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Cool Video! I took the time to break down your lap times using the Suburu overpass as a lap marker. Here are you lap times. Begining at the .41 second mark of the video.

0.41-2.50 = 2.09 sec lap
2.50-4.52 = 2.02 sec lap
4.52-6.48 = 1.56 sec lap
6.48-8.45 = 1.57 sec lap
8.45-10.45 = 2.00 sec lap.

So with a 2.25 mile track I would sugest your average speed to be
Just about 99mph.

If I did it right I took the track length and devided it by the total seconds.
11,880 feet /by 120seconds? To come up with 99mph.

Believe me my calculations dont hold water Im far from Einstein.
I think its close though. Good Job. At the very least this should give you something to compair notes to if you clock some riders from the next up calss and see if your going to be int he pack with any or in the way.
Thanks Dave I liked you stop watch times better.

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Keep in mind you were sort of alone when I used my phone stopwatch and trust me I would hold a lot of weight with my trigger

My point of alone is in the Video you seem to find some travic in just about every lap. When we were watching your ride you came around with nobody around you. So Would think you could have turned a better time.

I still think you did good. , I would switch up when I can work travic without upsetting my own line.
Find several lines on the track.
I still think it was very cool to be there and watch you guys ride. Awesome day for me and my pop.
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