Want to buy luggage rack, hardcases

Want a luggage rack, topcase, and/or sidecases for 2005 FZ1. Need to carry briefcase, laptop, etc.. and would like to be able to lock up my jacket and helmet when parked.
luggage for 2005 FZ1?

Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure they would fit a 2005 either but I'm interested and can research it if you can give me the model information. How has your experience been with the Givi set? As far as spending, I believe in investing in well made and good functioning gear more than looks and labels.
I always try to achieve a fair deal where the seller and buyer both walk away feeling good about it. That's how I bought my bike from another forum member and we have become friends. If your stuff fits my bike I would be interested in working out a deal with you . I am a newbie with only a couple months of regular commuting to work under my tires but really enjoy it. I've been carrying my briefcase on my seat with a cargo net and need something better. Thanks for your help. Richard (Surfernurse- I'm an old surfer and ER nurse) Moore
The Givi racks won't fit between generations.

For your first gen FZ1, the part numbers you want are:

Sidecase Monokey rack: Givi PL349
Topcase rack: Givi FZ348