What is the most annoying thing you encountered while riding

let me state for the record, that just cuz ur wearing a cut that doesnt mean ur part of a gang. I wear my cut w pride knowing we raise funds for children.

and also, I dont know what mc's formation you broke in to, but thats not a wise move. if you do that to the wrong group, it can get u hurt or even killed. cuz these "gang'' members dont play around. be careful of what you do around these guys. I know some can be douche bags, but I would rather be held up a bit rather than be shot and killed.

and you gave them more fodder to bitch about when you broke their formation. thats not a safe move w any club or crew...:spank2:
I will also add live stock trucks - smell like manure - I seem to come across one every day around here.......must be due to all the farms around here, I guess...

One time while riding to Deals Gap on Hwy 28, we were following an open stock trailer with 4 cows - no passing zones. One started pissing on the metal floor of the trailer sending a nice bovine spray into the air...had to back way off of that one. Eeeew!
coming up on a one lane bridge when the car coming at you speds up to cut you off.PA drivers who cant stay on there side of the yellow line.Tar and stone roads.Delaware drivers who ride side by side for miles and miles and miles doing 10 miles below the speed limit
Cagers that think they have any chance of speeding up to cut me off. ( I'm nice to the polite, screw the rest.)
Huge trucks that think they own the road
Prius and volvo drivers!
This list grows daily as I commute in tulsa :/
Well it's pretty much all been covered here I guess! One time coming up the Delaware river on the PA side we were stuck following a slow, beat up old pickup with a camper on the back. Normally this would be annoying, doubly so on a great road on a great day. There was so much pot smoke trailing from it we were afraid of getting stoned ourselves so it was kinda funny. We later decided it was Ace Frehley's 'tour bus' lol.