
So I'm watching World's Dumbest on TruTV and saw this guy try to learn to ride in a parking lot on a Honda 954, so he screwed the clutch release, tires squealed then he crashed. My interest in this you ask:

How do I break traction on my rear tires, without the crashing part of course :)? What RPMs do I need to acheive this?

Don't ask, it's just one of those things I'd like to know how to do for no apparant reason, go figure!!
Just hold the front brake shut with your four fingers and use your thumb to give her throttle. It doesn't take a lot of rpm just let out the clutch slowly, it's all about feel.

CAUTION this is an expensive hobby. Rear tires don't come cheap and one good burnout can take a lot of rubber off.
When I was a kid we used to use bleach under the rear tire to really smoke it good.

As stated, lock the front brake, both feet on the ground, stand up, rev the motor, and slide the clutch out, don't dump it! Smoke will follow. Squid. :shine:
In my case, the first step is to go get some platform shoes. I'm tip toeing on this bike and can't get enough weight off of the seat to even think about doing a burn out.

Another way to get the rear to break loose easier is to plant the rear on a freshly painted line in a parking lot (with the front on bare pavment) this helps it spin easier starting out. We all know how much slipperier painted lines can be. On my old FZ 600 I did a smoke show at a stop light with the rear on a freshly painted stop line. I was a bit younger then. :retard:
I never tried a burnout but I heard if you have ABS and you try it you're screwed :D
so be carefull with that.

I've spinned my off-factory rear tire by holding the front brakes and my ABS is still working fine (note that your front wheel is standstill so the ABS is not getting engaged), but indeed worhwhile to explore indeed if this could cause an issue with the ABS CPU. Option ofcourse is first to disable the ABS by removing the ABS-fuse
i think I've been misunderstood by most here. I'm not trying to do the stand in one spot and do the smoke show. I was more reffering to starting out moving and get that screech, like when popping the clutch on any manual xsmn car.

As for the burnout instructions I have received from here, well I'm way too short for that. I can feel the rear pick up when I lock the front brake and slowly let the clutch out, there is no way in hell my weight will keep the rear end down to accomplish this. Thanks anyway all.

I will do this before I turn OLD :)
hell how old are you guys? I'll be 37 in four months, just something I have never done.

I'm 48, soon to be 49. I'm just kidding around and not making this out to be a "young" or "old" thing. I guess I got it all out of my system when I was in my 20's. Also, I can't afford new tires these days. My scrawny rear tires back then didn't cost much so I abused them a bit more than today's high tech rubber.

Oh, and the cops today are a bit less leanient when it comes to making a ruckuss. All I can say is to just be careful and don't wind up in your own episode of World's Stupidest Videos.:D
I'm 48, soon to be 49. I'm just kidding around and not making this out to be a "young" or "old" thing. I guess I got it all out of my system when I was in my 20's. Also, I can't afford new tires these days. My scrawny rear tires back then didn't cost much so I abused them a bit more than today's high tech rubber.

49?? you young whipper snapper!. Turned the 54 last month, but agree that the best way to get hurt is act 21. I used to smoke out the rear of my dual sport before replacing but never seem to feel the need with my FZ.
I prefer to use up all the tire in 4k miles.

Someone needs to post up a vid of a nice FZ1 burnout
Sigh!!! I was hoping for not turning this into a maturity level thread but i guess I've failed at that so let me try it this way:

How do I do a spirited take off from a stop even if the rear wheel breaks traction? This doesn't sound 21ish does it?
Sigh!!! I was hoping for not turning this into a maturity level thread but i guess I've failed at that so let me try it this way:

How do I do a spirited take off from a stop even if the rear wheel breaks traction? This doesn't sound 21ish does it?

Don't worry GT, we didn't take it as a "maturity" thing. I'm the first one to admit that I have the mind of a teenager and probably will never grow up. We're all just joking around here. It's just that when you get into your upper 40's and you screw up and break something, it takes a hell of alot more time to heal. Thats what keeps me in check.

I think your probably talking about a "rolling burnout" where you start out rolling and then break the rear tire loose. If thats what you mean I couldn't help you there. I would imagine that if you had a new VMax like Earlzach, its only a matter of start to roll and then hit the throttle. He seems to be an expert at that. Ask me how I know.:D

As for bikes with less brute power off the line, I don't know how to do it. A guy I used to know and rode with in the very early 90's had a GSXR750 that he used to melt the tire while rolling. I never asked him how it was done so I am curious as well.