Arai Corsair V - Arai RX-7 GP Review

just bought a shoei X 11, weathers been to bad to ride.
Helmet works great doing work around the house or just
sitting on the toilet. Hard to drink beer while wearing it.
This was a very good article that had some practical information in the evaluation. I can't even count the number of helmets I've owned, but I know none has ever come within $300 of the cost in the comparison. My favorite helmet was an AGV because it fit my head perfectly. I didn't even have to snug up the strap and the helmet was so good fitting that I often would be riding and remember I never connected the chin strap. One time I went a full tank of gas and only realized the problem when I went to take the helmet off. I rarely wear a helmet for than a couple years, either because I drop it, break a visor, or just don't like the fit any more, and all helmets loosen up after time. When they get too loose they are not doing their intended job. My AFX is a good helmet, at least by my own standars and I think I got it for only $150 or less. I'm sorry, but I just don't see the value in a $750 or higher lid.