Doh - slight tumble today.

Had good ride today as my return to biking continues after my crash. Nice 45 miles on back lanes and then thought right, let's practice some u-turns:banghead::banghead:
2 good 'uns and then on the third (so much for 3rd time lucky), I stall the bugger and drop it :mad:
Anyway, no damage to the bike (not even bar ends) and I manage to get the bike up quite easily, which was pleasing as I'm only about 11 stone + have much reduced use of left arm after my crash.
The R&G engine bar did it's job and even this has virtually no damage - not bent and purely a couple of dings that add up to about half a baked bean:)

Question - even though only slight damage to R&G should this be replaced, or should it be ok. Speed at drop was literally 2-4 mph.

Thanks for any advice.
It happens!

Yesterday I had a hilarious tip-over while pulling over to have a snack. I was tired after not eating for 6 hours and being on the bike, stopped at the side of the road to have a snack & watched my bike roll forward off the kick stand and got a case of jelly legs as I tried to stop it. I went down with the bike in fits of hysterical laughter. Nothing damaged except my thumb for some reason :)
Happens to everyone, my opps was first day I fot the FZ and wasn't used to its hieght when getting off and leaned little to much to get off and it just dropped slowly to the ground. Glad you can get back on a bike after a big spill. :cheers:
Cheers guys - as you say it happens.
Am posting up a new tread - 2nd schoolboy error in 2 days. Dropped a microfibre cloth which blew onto the header pipes (hot) and melted. Spent 3 hours buffing with dremil lol. Now looking lovely and shiny but still a few marks to get rid of.
Hey ho - feeds my ocd cleaning habit!!
I had a slightly different result from my get off, 8 broken ribs (all same side) broken R clavivcle, broken metacarple R hand, and broken/seperated ring finger on the left hand. Bike is in considerably better shape than I. Just got life flight bill, $26,000. Luckily my medical covers the Air Ambulance.
My funniest tip over was about 10 yrs ago. It was about 6am and still dark outside. I was headed to work and stopped at a 7/11 to get some coffee. I had pulled in front first so I was backing out when it happened. I was looking over my left shoulder to check for people pulling into the parking lot when all of a sudden my right foot shot out from under me. I immediately fell over on my right side. I was totally confused as to what happened. As I put my hand down to push myself up I found out what happened: Kitty Litter!!!!! :cuss: LOL Someone at the convenience store had put kitty litter down to soak up the oil in the parking lot :cuss: It was dark, I didn't see it. LOL
Happens to everyone eventually. To address your question - is the RG bent? If yes it is probably the mounting bolts that are bent. If you replace the bolts it should reset it at the proper angle to give you the protection they are designed to do. I know this from experience. I had to lay my bike down about 3 years ago and my drivers side slider was bent. It took a while to back out the bent bolt but I did and replaced the bolt. Good as new (with a few scratches). These things sure are a good investment to protect your bike. If it's just scratches - your good to go. If the bar itself is bent I would replace it. The reason I say that is because metal is a funny thing when you bend it back and forth. It can get weak at the bend and not protect your bike as well. These things are a great investment and will save you literally thousands of dollars in a wreck.
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My funniest tip over was about 10 yrs ago. It was about 6am and still dark outside. I was headed to work and stopped at a 7/11 to get some coffee. I had pulled in front first so I was backing out when it happened. I was looking over my left shoulder to check for people pulling into the parking lot when all of a sudden my right foot shot out from under me. I immediately fell over on my right side. I was totally confused as to what happened. As I put my hand down to push myself up I found out what happened: Kitty Litter!!!!! :cuss: LOL Someone at the convenience store had put kitty litter down to soak up the oil in the parking lot :cuss: It was dark, I didn't see it. LOL
Happens to everyone eventually. To address your question - is the RG bent? If yes it is probably the mounting bolts that are bent. If you replace the bolts it should reset it at the proper angle to give you the protection they are designed to do. I know this from experience. I had to lay my bike down about 3 years ago and my drivers side slider was bent. It took a while to back out the bent bolt but I did and replaced the bolt. Good as new (with a few scratches). These things sure are a good investment to protect your bike. If it's just scratches - your good to go. If the bar itself is bent I would replace it. The reason I say that is because metal is a funny thing when you bend it back and forth. It can get weak at the bend and not protect your bike as well. These things are a great investment and will save you literally thousands of dollars in a wreck.

Thanks for your comments here.
The R&G has a couple of minor dings only. I've looked at the bar for bend from all angles and can't tell if it's bent or not - looking down at both sides when sitting on the bike I think the 2 bungs look level, although it's difficult to be 100%. Possibly the bung that took the fall is a coule of degrees pushed forward but really can't tell. Does that mean it's prob ok to leave all alone / as is?
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks again for your input :)
Thanks for your comments here.
The R&G has a couple of minor dings only. I've looked at the bar for bend from all angles and can't tell if it's bent or not - looking down at both sides when sitting on the bike I think the 2 bungs look level, although it's difficult to be 100%. Possibly the bung that took the fall is a coule of degrees pushed forward but really can't tell. Does that mean it's prob ok to leave all alone / as is?
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks again for your input :)

You are welcome. We are here to help each other :cheers:
Could you post a pic of damage? That would help us get an idea of whats going on.
Will do - give me a day or so and I'll have it done and will post up.
I'm fingers crossed it's ok, as it really is hard to see if it's moved at all, which makes me think (prey) that if it's moved so little that I'm not sure it actually has moved, then it can't be that bad.
Phew, that's a mouthful. Hope it makes sense lol!!
Thanks again,

Thanks very much all of you for all these stories.

My name is not Murphy, but I thought I was the only one to follow his laws down to the minute details. 'If any anything could go wrong, I would make sure it would'.

I put the kickstand down on a firmly set unseen pebble which was enough to prop up the bike beyond the vertical to the other side. I watched it as it came down and broke the windshield. (not the FZ...)
I've dropped every bike I've ever had. So what I do now is when I buy a brand new bike I have the dealer tip it over for me to save me the trouble.