Drove home on a rigid...

So I just want to show everyone what happened to me today on my way home from work. Came off the highway, took the off ramp, 5 blocks from my house hit a small bump like every person on the street does every day. Literally, not a big bump just a divit in the road.




Yeah, my ass smashed into the ground it felt like. I pulled over, looked down and saw this.



I could not get off the bike as I could not put the side stand down. Drove it the 4 blocks from my house that I was, leaned it on the side of my house and had to have my girlfriend come over as no one was here to help me lift it to get it on the center stand.

Here is what came out.



Needless to say, my rear is NOT using anything other than the stock dogbone from now on.

Thank god I was not on the off ramp when this happened, or I may not be here to type this rant.
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Sorry to hear what happened Geno. Make sure that you have everything documented with good pictures including all collateral damage done to the bike because of the link's failure. It could have been much worse had you been on a highway. Pretty scary stuff bud. I'm happy your safe. Not to mention thank God your girlfriend wasn't riding on back!
I don't believe anything was hurt on the bike, what confuses me is what stopped the swing arm from going any further up though. Not exactly sure where it binds.

Jlewis, I appreciate the offer but I only had the thing lowered 1/2" so I am just going to suck it up and leave it stock height until I get the Penske 8983 custom made from Lee.
WOW! That is the first catastrophic failure of a Soupy's that I've seen! They WILL want to know about this period and thank God you're OK!

I hope nothing like this happens to my wife or Brenda!!! (Or anyone else riding a Soupy's!)
I don't believe anything was hurt on the bike, what confuses me is what stopped the swing arm from going any further up though. Not exactly sure where it binds.

Jlewis, I appreciate the offer but I only had the thing lowered 1/2" so I am just going to suck it up and leave it stock height until I get the Penske 8983 custom made from Lee.

The shock bottoming out stopped it.
So basically when I drove it for 4 blocks as a "rigid" it was pulling on the shock, vs pushing normally?

If that is the case I am happier to hear that then to know it was against the engine case or something.
That kind of defect is inexcusable. That sort of thing could easily result in someone's death and I'm really glad you're ok.

I guess for 4 blocks you were riding a hard tail. How did it feel? :D
Wow!!!!!!! I'm glad you were only mad and not hurt.

I'm going to make my own adjustable bones for the FZR6 shock upgrade with parts that look a lot like that. Seeing that makes me glad I've decided to get a longer rod although I don't think that would made much a difference with your setup.

I'm looking forward to learning what they have to say about the failure. That looks like something that doesn't happen that often and might be a problem with their parts supplier more than the product.

I'd take it easy over that bump from now on ;)
Yeah Wolf, the thing is this was NOT a big bump whatsoever. I mean, nothing out of the ordinary.

I am going to email them tomorrow with pics and call them. Even if I get nothing out of it, they should know about it so this hopefully never happens to anyone else. I was lucky, someone else may not be.
It obviously looks like it was the rod end that failed, which they probably get from a supplier - I would sure hope at the very least they will replace everything for free or give you a refund???

We use alot of rod ends similar to that on the racecars, and like anything else you can get some for $5 or spend over $50 for ones that are the same size. Like buying any other hardware, they come in different strengths/grades/quality and you get what you pay for..........they might want to use a higher quality in the future huh?

Changing subjects, I like your tailbag - can you tell me what brand and where I can get one of those???

Thanks and good luck with the dogbone deal.
Man, like everyone else I too am glad this happened on the offramp. I'd be mad too, but in reality, I'm thankful you weren't leanned over doing 80 huh? Now you got 8 more lives :)