FZ1N in Canada

I am upgrading my bike in the spring (2010 FZ6R for sale) and am having a hard time deciding between the FZ8 and buying an FZ1 and doing the naked conversion. Can anyone tell me what exactly is involved in the conversion besides the headlight, and approximately how much it costs? Anyone in Canada done this yet?
I just did this a few months ago. It's some work, but you can get lots of help here and on that other FZ forum. It's pretty straight forward, but it is really a wiring project.

You toss the wire harness that is included in the Part Shark kit and work with the USA one on your bike. Basically, it is way too long. It needs to be curled up and hidden under the air intake.

It took me three tries and about eight hours.

Take a look on FZ1OA. Lots of photos and discussion.

If you decide to go ahead with it, PM me and I'll help.
:welcome: and hope this all works out for you. You can shorten the existing harness or coil, as suggested, and it is a fairly easy transition.
streetfighter...interested as well

Hey Jacob, Let me know if you have any luck with this mod...im also thinking about going to the street fighter look. I have very little direction right now.
Yup, done it and love it. Everywhere I go people ask me what I am riding as they have not seen another one around.
It will take you an afternoon to get it done properly but as was mentioned before, there is a lot of info around in going naked, someone actually did a picture tour of the entire process, can't remember where I saw it, but if you do a search for FZ1 Naked Conversion you're bound to come across it.

Did a quick search and here are a couple links to it:

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Well, after some delays I am hoping the project is back on track. I did a a little research with my local dealership and discovered all of the parts I need are available through my dealersahip. It's a little more expensive, but I prefer to buy local. This way I avoid international shipping headaches as well. Looks like nicer weather in the forecast, so I'll be able to get my bike down and over to the dealership soon for trade on my FZ1. Hopefully I'll be updating soon.
Update: Great news! My parts have all arrived at the dealership and I am just waiting on the bike. Hopefully it shows up this week and I can get started on putting it all together. I am super-stoked! Not only am I going to be riding an FZ1N this summer, but it will be in the N trim when I pick it up at the dealership with 00000 on the odometer. Stand by for updates.