FZ1S tank cam videos


Well-Known Member
Don't be hard on me because this is my very first try with on-board cameras. It's a cheap Creative Vado mounted on the tank. The mount is just a neodym magnet with a plastic bracket screwed on, the camera is strapped on that with rubber bands. I think next I will make a bracket and bolt it on the filler cap. Also I need to do something about the sun glare coming from the side, and reduce the wind noise.

In the beginning of this clip I pass the Rök runestone which is the worlds longest runic inscription, from the 9th century.

Rök Runestone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyDlR3zcKgk]YouTube - Tank cam first test 1/2[/ame]

The next clip is a very narrow one-way road, a sort of tourist scenery road that goes around a nature preservation.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d5D0fX2ipw]YouTube - Tank cam first test 2/2[/ame]
Not a bad first effort. Don't know that you can do much about the sun glare except to only film at certain parts of the day when the sun is at it's highest. As for camera mounts there are many like the one below that mount to the gas cap. All over the place on eBay...

I like

The only suggestion that I would make is a slight increase in the mounting height. It would allow the veiwer to see the dash and relate speed and see the tach. It might help with the flash from the mirrors. I was thinking about getting something similar. Video is easier to watch than the helmet mounted clips.:tup:
The only suggestion that I would make is a slight increase in the mounting height. It would allow the veiwer to see the dash and relate speed and see the tach. It might help with the flash from the mirrors. I was thinking about getting something similar. Video is easier to watch than the helmet mounted clips.:tup:

I totaly agree. Good job on the first try.
Thank you guys for the feedback. I'm going to make some improvements on the mount and the quality. I have seen that people mount their Vado's inside the helmet, but for me that is totally impossible because my nose and chin is very close to the helmet front. So I'll stick to the tank mount with some mods. It won't be mush more riding this year anyway, it's getting too cold...
For a cheap camera the quality is pretty darn good. A better camera will auto adjust better for the direct sunlight causing the glare. I expected I would only hear wind noise and that it would vibrate more than than. I could hear the engine and gears easily and not much vibration at all. I am impressed.
That's pretty good actually. You must have a stock can because it sounds very soft. The wind noise isn't that bad, especially compared to my helmet mount. One reason I don't mount my camera behind the wind screen is because it'optics aren't very good and it makes for a wavy video as the direction changes.
nice videoshooting. Looks like some quality roads over there....actually I'm planning next year holiday to go to Sweden...
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Liking the videos! You are not kidding about NARROW! :eek: :D

Do you have a shot of the actual mount you are using? It is good but it does have a little bit of dive-boarding going on. But for a first time shoot, very cool!

Let's see the mount though.
This is the mount. The black plastic thing is, yes I'm sure you can tell, the sawed off handle of a Bodum coffee can :yes: I had lying around in my kitchen, bolted to a neodymium magnet. Between it and the camera is a layer of adhesive felt, of the type you use under furniture legs. The mount sits just in front of the tank filler cap, I also had a string tied to it and secured round the headstock, just in case... But I will swap this for a bolt on filler cap mount, just like the one in the post above.
Hey How McIver of you. You'll show your age if you get that reference.

I get it. Hey, I'm old enough to remember this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN1grF2rXpM]YouTube - Starski And Hutch TV Show Opening Theme Season One 1975[/ame]

Those where the days, cool guys, cool cars with excellent roadholding and with sheet metal thick enough to walk on with platform shoes. And the music was funky.
The one I have on the tank might be going up for sale... with the purchase of the GoPro Hero HD, I'll no longer have a need for my tank mount. The guy on ebay has it listed as a buy-it-now item for $32.49 plus $9.99 shipping.

I'll make a deal with someone... You buy me the Copperdog sub-throttle plates ( http://www.copperdawg.com/SubThrottle.htm ) and have them shipped to me and I'll pay to ship this tank mount to you (in the lower 48 states) That is $30 shipped in case you're wondering. :D