How did you pick your username?

My name is Dustin and I can be pretty dirty and foul mouthed so a coworker started calling me

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devil exhaust yamaha bike = devilsyam simples
Call Sign

Mine's simple enough . . . I am an instrument-rated, private pilot with an areobatic endorsement (no waiver). When I landed on the "internet" the airplane I owned at the time was registered as N8127

All North American civil aircraft reg. numbers begin with "N".
8127 was an experimental aircraft commonly known as a Mustang-II.

I usually am known around the many forum's as just pilot. :tup:

The last plane I owned was an RV3A (also an experimental) with an un-usually short "N" number. . . 5AJ. So, my flying buddy's know me as "AJ".

Here is a pic of it at Oshkosh, the largest "FLY-IN" in the world.
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Mine's really pretty stupid, but here it is, for what it's worth.

Back in the mid 90's I was in Chiropractic College. The internet was just hitting the mainstream or a bit pre-mainstream. I was playing a lot of Quake 1 online with a capture the flag threewave mod (great times). I needed a screen name, and a very common TV informecial was all over for the Bedazzler, a device that would attach rhinestones and other adornments to you clothes...

YouTube - K-tel "BeDazzler" commercial

I have a bit of a twisted, ironic type sense of humor and I took "B-Dazzler" as a name (dropped the 'e' for some reason) for playing Quake. After I fragged someone, it would say "You were killed by B-Dazzler", which to me, was funny. Sometimes I'd even smart off with "You've just been... B-Dazzled". :wtf: Sounds so stupid to type it out... :embarrased:

After that, anytime I needed an online name, I just went with B-Dazzler and have since dropped the '-' for simplicity. At least I didn't go with Flowbee... (hair cut clippers that attach to a vacuum cleaner... I won't even post the videos of that)

PS No, I have never owned or used a Bedazzler :disapproval:
when I saw your username I thought you were a Ozzie,In Australian slang we sometimes call something flash or great "a bobby dazzler" eg a new bike, something you just made or even a person who`s a great help.My username is simple I was a pro fisherman and 322 was my fishing business number, which state fisheries give you for identification
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I used to play a computer game called counterstrike and was part of a clan called prime. Max is my first name, so maximus prime as a play on "optimus prime" was obvious.

Geek alert!
Kinda funny story (to me) how I got this name. Been going to the Daytona races for 40 years with the same ol' "gang of 4". We always have at least one beer-induced grudge match on the pool tables. One night, long years back, I was particularly "sudsy" and still regaining sight following a cornea transplant. Pretty much a recipe for disaster on the pool table. Hadn't won a single game. So, at the start of a late game, I walked up to the table, picked up my cue, and announced: "El Tigre is here". El Tigre seemed like a guy who could kick your a**, give one wink to your wife and get a "meetcha later", and probably do brain surgery if required. I won six straight games and took home the "Championship of the World". I have been "ElTigre" to these friends for lo these many years. ElTigre" NEVER loses. He once deserted me in the middle of a nice, fast left-hander. Up over a rise, leaning hard left and there was no road, just a sand wash. When my best buddy, one of the Daytona regulars, saw I was up and walking around, he said, "Looks like El Tigre bailed on you". After all these years, you can tell whether it's me or ElTigre. El Tigre ALWAYS wins, me - not so much.