How did you pick your username?

What happens if you escape from Jersey besides tax relief? Do you change your user name. :)

LOL! Yea, I would change it to FromNJFZ1 :disturbed Seriously I'm not leaving the state anytime soon and by the time I do the FZ1 will probably be long gone.
Mine comes from an old canoeing term. The Duffer is the person that sits in the middle of a 3 person canoe, and doesn't do any of the paddle work. A non contributor so to speak. And since my kiddo and wife always call me the useless Old man, well you get the point. A lot of cool stories here. WolfTamer and TKO, I'm not gonna get on either of your wrong sides. You two are just too tough.
And great thread idea Popular.
BTW: being the tall strapping lad that I was, I rarely if ever got the treat of being the duffer.
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LOL (and I honestly, really laughed out loud) :jaw drop: I had never seen that one. Who wouldn't want a titty bear : oops: I think I misspelled that... :nothing:

I love it's mostly women in the add and so many of them must get 'pressure' right in the mittle : oops: of their chest!

I sense a name change! :hook2:

Now a name change could lead to all kinds of funny options.
I actually had a GF who tried to use that as an excuse one time. She had a really nice set of "bears" and she said that the seatbelt would put uncomfortable pressure on them.
She was FURIOUS when the hiway patrol gave her a ticket for not wearing her seatbelt. She was even more angry when I almost fell on the floor laughing!!!
Mine is after by old mate Boston, Our kelpie cross. Which probably begs the question, how did Boston get his name.
My girlfriend (now wife) and I spent 2 and a bit years travelling the world, mostly Europe with a couple of months in the US on the way home. When we eventually arrived back home to OZ we settled in and got a dog, we had to give him a name and we wanted to name him after a town or city we had been to. This proved to be harder than first though, literally Boston was the only place we had been to that we could use for a dog. Some how I dont think St.Petersburg or Prague really suits him, I think Boston does though.
Mine is after by old mate Boston, Our kelpie cross. Which probably begs the question, how did Boston get his name.
My girlfriend (now wife) and I spent 2 and a bit years travelling the world, mostly Europe with a couple of months in the US on the way home. When we eventually arrived back home to OZ we settled in and got a dog, we had to give him a name and we wanted to name him after a town or city we had been to. This proved to be harder than first though, literally Boston was the only place we had been to that we could use for a dog. Some how I dont think St.Petersburg or Prague really suits him, I think Boston does though.

Pretty dog!!!
simple;my christian first name = Arnold and when I was young and rebellion like, people talked behind my back about "den arnold". I once heard people gossiping about me when I was standing in a queue for bread and I confronted them (in my raggy yeans an my mohawk haircut :)
Hi everyone, my last name is Nesfield. My friends have allways called me The NEZZ and also Im into house, dance, dubstep and drum & bass DJ music. My business name is DJ NEZZ WELDING LTD.
The town that I used to live in (pop. 360) was nick named "Snuff City". A friend of mine had some T shirts made up with "Snuff City Riders" for all two of So I just adopted the name. Been worried about copywright infringements ever since...
Don't know how I missed this thread...I am really un-original. My name is....Ally House (well, Ally is short for Alysoun, but I am only called that when I am in trouble). I use xenatuba sometimes (Wordpress stuff) and bearphonium sometimes (music forums, mostly), but on all the motorcycle forums I am just me.
Well..mine came naturally. I am from Rhode Island and The Grinch is my favorite story character. I am also not a fan of the x-mas season so around that time my family always calls me the Grinch.
I almost chose "Violent Hillbilly" as one of my off-road riding friends calls me that due to my off-road riding style. I don't ride the trail, I kill it! Anyway, that was too extream for me, so I went with "Loosenut" as I have been described that way on all my life.