I knew this was a problem in cars but I never imagined ...

Seen that one before. It's amazing the extent of some people's stupidity! If he keeps that up I'm sure it wont be long before he meets his doom...
some special recently on History, TLC, or like programming, 1,000,000 people living in a square mile.....
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The things that goes through people's minds...

I'll admit, I've texted before while riding, but only at city riding speeds. Of course that's no excuse. I couldn't begin to imagine lying back on the bike as if it were a La-Z-Boy while also texting/talking on the phone in traffic as busy as what's in the video. That's just insane.
why do they have lines on the road there ? it seems nobody is using them .

I'm with Sno, I mean, no turn signals, people all over the lanes, criss-crossing each other. How bad is it that the knucklehead on the bike actually looked like the safest driver out there! Thats why in those countries there are more Crosses (Burial Crosses that is), per mile along the side of the roads, than we have in a small cemeteries here!