Is a Harley the bike for you?

While giving my daughter a ride to her the sister in law's house this afternoon she got to hear and see some HD bar hoppers. We came up to a stop light two car lengths behind them after they had pulled out a bar, reving their open pipe bikes. One even did a little burnout out of the parking lot. My sweet little 12 year old tapped on my shoulder, lifted her visor and said, Daddy why don't you go smoke that jerk. Much as I was tempted I just don't do jackassery with the kiddo aboard. But man I love the little girl. She's growing up pretty and smart.

That there is proper parenting! :tup: Well done Dad!
Lol, in here they do dress all HD as well, like the brand was paying them to advertise, lack of personality i guess. But not all are like this (just 95%), i had three harleys and i only own a single HD t-shirt sent from ebay (chinese seller, $9), and the other 3 guys i rode with Hd´s were also like that. I don´t like HOG

I hear you on the HD "gear" (what a laugh). I was out one day and wanted to stop by a bike shop and look for some gloves and maybe a jacket and try on a helmet or two. Unfortunately for me, it was a Monday, and most of the bike shops are closed, but not the HD shop. I hadn't ever been in one (nothing against them really, just didn't want a cruiser, especially not an overpriced one). I decided to be open minded and in I went. (I was so naive). There wasn't a single item in that store that didn't have the HD logo on it. Then had NO regular stuff. No AlpineStar, Tourmaster, Shoei, HJC, etc. I even had the audacity to ask if they had anything that didn't say HD on it. After a scornful, yet snooty stare, the 'lady' behind the counter just said "no". I walked out and rode away on my FZ1, even more satisfied with my bike.

My uncle is really into HD. He used to always have a SilverWing (before they were scooters) and then GoldWings. Now it's HD everything. He's very short and getting older, so now he just dropped over 30K on a factory HD trike. :kuku: He and my aunt have all the HD clothes and even have a room in their house decorated with HD everything. (including a wallpaper boarder) If I did that with Yamaha stuff people would think I'm crazy (even me), but somehow the HD thing is OK? I'll never get it. :doh2: