New to Austin and FZ1's

Hi everybody,

My name's Robin. I just moved down to Austin (Cedar Park actually) a couple of months back from the cold cold tundra of mid-michigan and now that i'm settled into my new job I picked up an '05 FZ1.
I've always been a reasonably active member of model-specific forums, no matter what vehicle I've owned (hey, sometimes you just need to share the duh or hell yeah! moments with someone who'll understand!). I was on for a long time when I had a '98 Katana750, now i'm here to lurk and learn!

Here's a cruddy cell pic of the bike, currently (and until I get over the shock of paying for the bike and insurance) mod free.

Sounds like a great time! I can't wait to start exploring the hill country, and not having to drive around for 30 minutes when I want parking when I venture down towards DT austin!
Thanks! I'll be taking my bike downtown every so often, since now I have good transport I want to start exploring the city more. Any suggestions/heads up about the right and wrong things to do when parking a bike downtown?
Welcome to this area of the planet. I'm in the Hill Country (Fredericksburg) and any which way I go there are good roads and little traffic, except for the weekends when up to 30,000 descend on the area for shopping and sightseeing (but they help the economy so we don't run over them in town). Was out today in the Llano, Doss, Harper area and only saw a half dozen bikes all day, but plenty more on a nice weekend.

I found a pretty good map a few weeks ago with all kinds of drives in the area, called 'Scenic Road Trips of Texas' by Madmaps ( Many bike dealers would carry this map, if interested.
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Welcome to the Forum and welcome to Central Texas.

How are you liking winter so far? Pretty rough today with 73 and bright sun. Where's my sunglasses???

I was in CP on Sunday to watch a Texas Stars game; what a cool arena. Cedar Park really has their act together, great place!
Maybe next time I am in Austin i will post up and see if anyone can meet for lunch. I head to my office there about twice a month. Office is at 300 W. 6th. I usually stay over at the Intercontinental Stephen F. Austin.
How are you liking winter so far? Pretty rough today with 73 and bright sun. Where's my sunglasses???

Winters are great......but wait until July and August roll around. Not too fun ...... ya' get out early and back before 11am or so, lest you fry in the TX sun.
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