News Break!

Just out: Food Poisoning Sucks!

Tuesday I went to lunch to sign papers for my new job. Looked at the fish and chips I ordered and thought: "Hum, is it me or could the whole thing use another 2 minutes in the frier?"

Not wanting to make an issue or appear picky in front of the HR Manager, and new co-worker I didn't say anything. Big mistake!

By 7 pm I had that knot in my stomach. By midnight I was driving the porcelain bus. In fact I drove that damn bus all night!

I finally fell asleep at 6 am Wednesday and slept on and off until 9 am today. I awoke with a bleary head, and not really remembering the last day and a half.

Next time, send it back!
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I saw a guy get food poisoning from potato salad that sat out too long when I was 15. It was really rough for him, way sicker than most people think. Glad you survived it's nothing tofool around with.

Of course you are to sick to ride the Tuono this summer so I'll be over this weekend to pick it up for a while. We wouldn't want the gas to go bad, eh?? ;)
oh gosh, two mo back I had some porcelain hogging myself. From 9PM to 6AM
Than ginger tea and crackers where my best friends for few days.
Stay hydrated.
I had the SAME TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY Pete... Ate something bad, guts roiling and up most of the night. Called out sick Wed and rested between throne breaks. It really does suck! Hope you are feeling better. I'm back on track today!
aww that is beat good luck man pepto bismol helps if your still feelin it next time don't be so polite send that sheet back and don't get anything else