Now this is 'Finesse"

Heres another varient of 'cool'
[ame=""]YouTube- urban and freestyle trial in Lyon[/ame]
I hope this takes you there, otherwise some one might help post this "Urban and freestyle in Lyons" for me. Guess I'm not smart enough to work these new-fangeled computorthingies.
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I still think Tony's vid was better with the stunt rider going post to post on the 1/2" metal fence......

Yea, that was pretty impressive, especially since it was human powered. However, this video wasn't bad. The dude definitely has some skills...
Kind'a makes me feel like a flubbed out doaf, there was a time though when I was razor sharp, I just wish that I had that type of bike then, instead I had a Bultaco Sherpa T 350, a freightliner compared to this one.