screen names

how did everybody pick thier names,I realize some are fairly obvious. Mine came from the Metallica song and also happens to be the plate on my bike
Rockin it....

My "Screen name" comes from the fact that until recently I drove a 26 year old car, a 25 year old bike and still have the 3 decade old Sony "Ghetto Blaster" that I got when I graduated high school. I take care of my stuff (and tend to buy quality that lasts), but using it that long tends to make a person look "Oldschool". And that sounds better than "Cheapb*sterd".: oops:
Before MMA became popular, we had "full contact" martial art tournaments. I used to do pretty well and most of my wins came by "TKO".

Four broken noses, several broken toes, couple of concussions and 30 years of time under the bridge and I can look back at it and laugh . . . except for when I creak getting out of bed in the morning.:innocent:
I live in Colorado Springs and have an FZ1, very original, I did not waste any brain cells coming up with that one. With all of the different logins that I have to remember at work for different servers and applications I tend to choose one that I can easily remember :rant:
First name and year I was born. Use that for most forums I register with.
K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid

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Thought we already did this, must have been on that other site. A duffer is someone that sits in the middle of the canoe and does none of the paddle work. I think you folks can figure out the old part. I haven't been in a canoe much the last couple of years. The only real duffing I did was the summer I had a torn rotator. I would like to get back to a little light lake work, but my wife is not a big fan of being away from shore in small craft. She's a good sport so some river drifting is in the works for the summer.
Thought we already did this, must have been on that other site. A duffer is someone that sits in the middle of the canoe and does none of the paddle work. I think you folks can figure out the old part. I haven't been in a canoe much the last couple of years. The only real duffing I did was the summer I had a torn rotator. I would like to get back to a little light lake work, but my wife is not a big fan of being away from shore in small craft. She's a good sport so some river drifting is in the works for the summer.

Nope, it was here.

Here was my response...
When i was a kid i loved to see Tom Cruise on that Kawasaki GPZ in "Top Gun" and i thought when i'm 21 i would became a biker, so in is honor "Maverick".
I was given this stupid nickname by my X. We went to the same high school and the HS was EXTREMELY geared toward football. At the time that I was attending we had the most winning high school football coach in the nation (Gordon Wood) and the most state championships in Texas. OK - not bragging (well maybe a little) but I wanted to set the background.
My X was in the drama/art department. She was FURIOUS because the football team had a charter bus, our meals were paid for us, etc. In fact - it was kind of like the movie Friday Night Lights. The whole town is centered on high school football. The drama department had NOTHING. LOL This produced a lot of bad feelings from any department that did not receive any funding. LOL I totally understand why they were angry.
We had movie night one night and we were watching a movie called Not Another Teen Movie. It is a slapstick comedy that is a spoof on teen movies. I actually thought it was pretty funny. Well there is a character called The Popular Jock and a girl's character who was in the drama/art department. We started teasing each other and the nicknames stuck.


The main reason I chose to use this username is because EVERY username that I picked when I joined a forum was always taken. NO ONE picks thepopularjock and it makes it convenient. LMAO!!!! I guess this is the long version!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!
Made up the name Haileyan out of thin air for all the online games I have played. Been using that for over 12 years. Only unique names are easy to get going from game to game. I shortened it to "Hail" last year because many people assumed I was a chick named Hailey Ann or something like that.