
Ok guys, I'm coming back to my excellent resource for information! I am waiting on my speed bleeders to put my new brake lines in, so now I'm looking forward to my next upgrade, I've seen you all talk about changing out the sprockets to gain more HP, so what brand, and tooth designation should I be looking for? Front and rear? And how difficult is it? I'm blessed to be really mechanical for a chick (being an electrician helps) so I'm enjoying doing all these upgrades myself, but look to you all for guidance! Thanks for your input!!!
Ok guys, I'm coming back to my excellent resource for information! I am waiting on my speed bleeders to put my new brake lines in, so now I'm looking forward to my next upgrade, I've seen you all talk about changing out the sprockets to gain more HP, so what brand, and tooth designation should I be looking for? Front and rear? And how difficult is it? I'm blessed to be really mechanical for a chick (being an electrician helps) so I'm enjoying doing all these upgrades myself, but look to you all for guidance! Thanks for your input!!!

Easiest thing to do is get yourself a new stock front sprocket (16T) from a Gen I FZ1 and swap your stock one (17T). That will give you the best bang for the buck as far as a performance increase. The other thing that you will have to get at that point is some sort of speedometer recalibration device. I suggest the SpeedoDRD. By the way I have both of these mods on my bike. Best place I found to get the SpeedoDRD was here.
Ok guys, I'm coming back to my excellent resource for information! I am waiting on my speed bleeders to put my new brake lines in, so now I'm looking forward to my next upgrade, I've seen you all talk about changing out the sprockets to gain more HP, so what brand, and tooth designation should I be looking for? Front and rear? And how difficult is it? I'm blessed to be really mechanical for a chick (being an electrician helps) so I'm enjoying doing all these upgrades myself, but look to you all for guidance! Thanks for your input!!!

Don't forget to fold down the metal ear on the lock washer underneath the sprocket nut. Also, one should use an impact wrench (transmission in neutral) as opposed to the 2 x 4 through the spokes technique that is sometimes advertised.

Great mod. Does not increase horsepower, moves the gearing to a higher point on the torque curve. Probably how the bike should have been geared straight from Japan.
Ok guys, I'm coming back to my excellent resource for information! I am waiting on my speed bleeders to put my new brake lines in, so now I'm looking forward to my next upgrade, I've seen you all talk about changing out the sprockets to gain more HP, so what brand, and tooth designation should I be looking for? Front and rear? And how difficult is it? I'm blessed to be really mechanical for a chick (being an electrician helps) so I'm enjoying doing all these upgrades myself, but look to you all for guidance! Thanks for your input!!!

Driven 520 conversion 16/47. This will transform your bike 100%. The 520 will give you more drive than 530. Sprockets= dropping -1 @ front & +2 @ rear is a nice balance. Tip= Make sure you buy steel sprockets if you got for 520.
BTW, it does not increase HP, it merely changes where the HP is being used when you run up through the gears. ;) Your existing HP is noticed a little sooner in each gear.