steady wirring noise

hello everyone,

its loudest while crusing in 3rd 4th mabe 5th gear at 35-40 mph, im getting
a steady wirring noise from around the clutch or trans area (seems to have started about 50 miles ago)
slower and faster speeds, and lower and higher gears it seems
to go away
it stops when i pull in the clutch and coast
its a 2010 with 350 miles on original oil
when i bought the bike i thought the chain was too tight from
the factory, the dealer said "it ill loosen up" well its still a little tight
just readjusted the chain and its still there
is it just general eng/trans/clutch noise
anyone else have this problem ?

any ideas on this
No worries. We all have that same noise and it is coming from the chain while under load. If while riding you lean your head to either side, you'll note it is loudest on the left where the front sprocket is. I had concerns about that too but then confirmed it was normal after riding another FZ1 and then my wife's FZ1.

It is annoying but once you know what it is... :rmwl: :tup: