Upgrading from GEN I to GEN II

Don't get too hung up on hp and torque curves .... how the power comes on at what rpm, in conjunction with the gearing of the transmission, of the weight of the bike and rider, tire selection and condition, weight and distribution between f/r and other issues all determine how the bike feels and performs in real life. Either bike in box stock form under the operation of a good rider will blow 99% of cars off the road. The problem is most riders can't exploit even the stock capability of the bikes....but that doesn't stop them from fiddling around with things in the hope that the machine will go faster.

Oh, I am with you on this, I just commute on my bike, so having 10 more or 10 less HP means pretty little when i spend most of the time cruising at 85 or splitting lanes at 40.....
Stock Gem1 compared to a stock Gen2. The Gen1 will have more HP in 1st-3rd. Both are around 145-150HP fully modded. The Gen2 really needs Ivan's reflashed ECU to compete in 1st-3rd.
I currently own a Gen II and had a Gen I for 5 years.

The Gen II IS an upgrade of the Gen I, but NOT as a Sport Touring bike, only on the SPORT side of things. The Gen II is more nimble, has FI, more power, lighter, etc....all those things others already mentioned. But its NOT as comfortable, less range.....just less of a tourer.

That said its still quite capable of doing every well but nothing close perfect. For ME, I ride more like a sportbike and I'm buying/setting up mods to go that way. I can still ride it all day but I don't really want bags and luggage hanging off of it....although I know I can.
Thanks guys

So the thing for me is the FI. I really want to have a bike with FI.

I'm liking the idea of getting the GEN II and making it more touring then sport.

I found one for sale (about4K)that is partially there already. With that in mind is it possible to get PC mapping that will smooth out the low end throttle response and increase fuel millage?
What is it about FI that you like so much over carbs? I have only ever owned Carbed bikes.

For me having both currently (carb & FI) what I love about FI is that no matter the temperature or how long the bike has been sitting it fires right up every time :)
I can say one thing about the carb'd Gen 1: It was perfectly fuelled, very responsive and I never once had issues starting it. It would often be -10c (14f) or colder leaving work & school and it started without hesitation. Very hassle-free carbs and nothing to be concerned about

I can't say the same thing for the battery which froze up on one particularly cold day with high winds. I had to bump start the bike but the oil was so thick it was almost impossible for me to push by myself. lolup

I liken the Gen 1 FZ1 to a baby FJR and if that's what you're aiming for, it's the one to go for (or stick with, in this case)
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