What else do you do?

I love cycling, mainly road, and especially cyclocross. :tup: I've also been a life long skier; used to ski telemark but my knees don't put up with that. I also like running and weight lifting.

For this year I'm going to work on track days, I'd like to get in 5 to 6.
I own a house. Need I say much more? ;) I like woodworking and am looking to get into metal working. We used to bowl, mountain bike, kayak and hike but we never seem to get out and do it any longer. Maybe we need to start again. :D
I own a house. Need I say much more? ;) I like woodworking and am looking to get into metal working. We used to bowl, mountain bike, kayak and hike but we never seem to get out and do it any longer. Maybe we need to start again. :D

Oh yeah, the house...I'm a Lowe's and Home Depot addict...
I own a house. Need I say much more? ;) I like woodworking and am looking to get into metal working. We used to bowl, mountain bike, kayak and hike but we never seem to get out and do it any longer. Maybe we need to start again. :D

I love NH some of my favorite climbing ever. My wife and I try to do as much house work during the week that we can do something fun on the weekends.
I love NH some of my favorite climbing ever. My wife and I try to do as much house work during the week that we can do something fun on the weekends.

:D Housework is one thing. It is the projects and remodeling that is killer. We bought the best core construction for a solid home and because we had three young teens, we knew the interior would be treated without kindness. We were right. So we bought the cheapest of everything when it was built. Now that the kids are all grown and almost gone, we've been remodeling to meet the needs of the two of us. Thus far, we have converted the living room to a dining room and knocked out walls and closets to turn one of the bedrooms into the new living room at the other side of the house. Added the mudroom... I'm still working on the master bedroom remodel. Getting closer!

Then I have to squeeze in mechanic work. complete brake job, complete strut job and maint on my daughter's car, then she totaled it right after I finished all the work. So, she bought another cheap used car and, yes.... another full brake job, sheet metal and bondo...

I could list so many more projects..... one at a time! :tup:
My biggest interest outside of Motorcycling is racquetball. Love to play, and in the winter it's really a good way to still get exercise. After competing for so long in this sport, the older I get the more I miss being younger.

In the other seasons, I really like to commune with nature as much as possible. Nature walks, quiet sitting near a stream, exploring new trails with my 6 year old. I actually enjoy washing and waxing my cars, too. I hate to look at a dirty car. I'm a little tweaked that way. :)

I honestly have to say I've really been getting into Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011 on the Wii, too. Love my gun and shooting stuff (on tv).
I do some video gaming,:gaming: Xbox 360 (BDazzler) and PS3 (B-Dazzler) and I have COD for both systems (I suck at them all, but I have fun dieing at the hands of the 13 year old, foul-mouthed brats). I even did a bit of podcasting about video gaming and beer (The Gamer's Pub), but sadly, it took too much time. I was head moderator for the Platform Nation gaming forums.

I have an 11 year old son and 9 year old daughter in various activities, including karate. I'm currently working three 12 hour shifts from 7pm to 7am, so normal people time :shine: is not always possible, but I do my best to switch around.

PS If anyone would like to add me to their Xbox Live friends list and/or PSN friends list, please send a message saying you are from the FZ1-forum, so I know. I'd love to add you, but I don't add random people (thus a 'friends' list).
full time student, photography for fun, photography for newspaper, photography business, electrician, part-time contractor

I start classes on Tuesday. Becoming a full time student at the age of 40. I'am a little nervous.

Congratulations guys - I am doing the same thing at 40 years old!!!!!!!!
I'm going back to school to become a nursing anesthetist.

I was a psychologist for almost 10 years and I manage a pharmacy now. I do the logistics and crisis calls that come in at night. HATE NIGHTS!!!! That job really keeps me busy!!
I have ridden motorcycles for about 20 yrs but I've really gotten serious about it over the last 5 or 10 years. When I'm not riding I like to play with my Labrador Sandy. LOL She is this huge, fat, beautiful rescue dog that is totally awesome! I like to go hiking with her, I really like shooting pool and I collect switchblade knives.

Here is my baby girl: Notice the guilty look? She tumped over the clothes hamper and pulled everything out to make a bed to lie down on!! :) After I scolded her this was the look I got for an hour or two. LOL
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