Bungee Netting 6 plastic hook scratches


Well-Known Member
Anyone have the Cycle Gear black netting hooks scratch your grab a rails?

I had one scratch on mine when I bought the bike on 2/10/12. Now I have 10+ in the red paint. I wrapped the 6 black plastic hooks in grey Gaffers tape. That helps a little, but once a week i have to scrub gray tape marks off the hand rails.

I really do not want to wear a backpack to work, but maybe...

Anyone have the Cycle Gear black netting hooks scratch your grab a rails?

I had one scratch on mine when I bought the bike on 2/10/12. Now I have 10+ in the red paint. I wrapped the 6 black plastic hooks in grey Gaffers tape. That helps a little, but once a week i have to scrub gray tape marks off the hand rails.

I really do not want to wear a backpack to work, but maybe...


I have it but I dont attach it to the grab rails. I loop around under the seat and to the hooks on the rear pegs. Plastic can definitely damage a paint job.
I've used those types of nets plenty of times on my FZ6 hand rails, plenty of scratches but then I wasn't worried about them being pretty. On my FZ1 I'm not as quick to use them and let it scratch up the paint. I've been thinking of doing something else with the hand rails, like a type of hard coating that might protect them because I know I'm going to end up using them.
I made up 6 loops from an old strap.. they were permanently attached around my old FZ6's grab rails - worked a treat. Much easier to hook through the loop than to get onto the rails + no scratches
i just broke the grab handle off. cut the other one off. i like the look...
My handles are both marred from just the tail bag bungie cords. I'm not concerned about it... I'm not trying to keep the bike in showroom condition. I bought it to ride until it cannot start ever again. :D