More Loosenut's video

I have lost 2 GoPro cameras due to the crappy stick on mounts. BUT, GoPro rocks. They replaced everything I lost the 2nd time and gave me a 40% discount the 1st time. I am now using RAM mounts and a better tether. The crappy sound is mainly due to the tether clip vibrating against the camera case. So play you favorite riding music and enjoy the virtual ride.

Mines road.wmv - YouTube

Speed.wmv - YouTube

There are a few more, but you can view as you wish. Sorry, but I did not figure out how to embed on this forum
Great vids. My thoughts: First video= They need to install some guard rails on some of those sheer drop-offs! One mistake there and you may as well kiss your butt good-bye!

Second Video= Holy Crap! That "Dip" was worth the price of admission! I was only watching the video and my heart dropped when you hit that thing! Those are the times that I would definitely want to have a steering stabilizer installed!

Great stuff! Keep em coming and most of all be careful!:tup:
Thanks guys. It's the California dry season. We get all our rain in the winter and sping months. The coast is green due to the fog.

The FZ1 is uber stable. A steering damper is nice, but not neccesary. I have my Penske set at the max reccomended length and my forks 5mm above the top 3x clamp. About the only time it shakes, is when the rear looses traction on exit of a turn, and it's minor.

Guard rails? We don't need no stinking guard rails!

Thanks guys. It's the California dry season. We get all our rain in the winter and sping months. The coast is green due to the fog.

The FZ1 is uber stable. A steering damper is nice, but not neccesary. I have my Penske set at the max reccomended length and my forks 5mm above the top 3x clamp. About the only time it shakes, is when the rear looses traction on exit of a turn, and it's minor.

Guard rails? We don't need no stinking guard rails!


The weights at the ends of the handlebars are an important part of the stability of the bike. It prevents excessive motion when hitting uneven terrain.
I bought a bike that had aluminum replacement weights, I put the originals back.

The weights at the ends of the handlebars are an important part of the stability of the bike. It prevents excessive motion when hitting uneven terrain.
I bought a bike that had aluminum replacement weights, I put the originals back.

um, NO. they quell vibration and that it.
From physics, the weights increase the rotational (and general) inertia of the steering system.
They do this by increasing the polar moment of inertia with the added mass at the farthest distance from the axis of rotation - clever setup.
Of course they also reduce vibration of the handlebars, again physics...
Many cheers
From physics, the weights increase the rotational (and general) inertia of the steering system.
They do this by increasing the polar moment of inertia with the added mass at the farthest distance from the axis of rotation - clever setup.
Of course they also reduce vibration of the handlebars, again physics...
Many cheers

HUH???:confused0024: Sounds good to me!